Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Truly an Inspiration !!!

Wow, to listen to this man was really encouraging. Talk about a "glass half full" mentality.To hear a person who has a terminal illness say how much life they have left to live is truly inspriring. The goals that Randy Pausch has mananged to meet throughtout his life our incredible. His desire to make sure others try and reach their dreams is great! He wants to teach people how they too can achieve goals and he shows them this by telling his story.

Some goals Randy set for himself may have seemed unattainable to many people. They may have also seemed too long term for someone with his disease, but Randy pushed towards them anyway.He wanted to be a Disney Imagineer - and he was; he wanted to be in zero gravity - and he was.Randy Pausch aslo wanted to platy in the NFL,while he did not do this, he did play in amatuer leagues. I am sure through all of these circumstances,trials and achievements he learned many vauluable lessons,lessons to pass on for generations.

There are several ways in which Randy beleieves on can help another achieve their goals.An important point that I have liked was learning to work in a group.I am taking a class currently where most of of work is done with a group. I really thought I knew how to best do this, but have found it is not always an easy task. Learning to evaluate your peers and be a good team playing can be difficult at times.But, I do feel that working in this group has been very positive for me and therefore I totally agree with Randy's thoughts.It is also a great way to mixed thigns up in the classroom. I feel diversity and keeping the studetns involved and having fun is crucial.
Not only has Randy learned all of these ways to teach others how to achieve their goals, but he has also learned very much himself through doing all of this. His priorities are his family and he loves the life he has been given.We should all be so thankful for what we have! The best way to sum up Randy for me is by using one of his quotes: "Brick walls are there for a reason: They let us prove how badly we want something."

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