Sunday, August 30, 2009


Prior to watching the podcast I was assigned I had never listened to one. In fact, I did not even know how to find a podcast on the web, much less know what to do once I found one! I never really understood what their purpose was or how one might be beneficial to any aspect of my life. After viewing the six podcast tonight, my view as somewhat changed on this topic. They are educational and interesting. In addition, they are a fabulous way of getting different perspectives on subjects and also communicating with people all over the world. People that other wise you might never be able to have a conversation with.
There were several aspects of the podcast that I enjoyed. The talks were very informative and easy to listen too. The spokes people seemed to be very knowledgeable on the subjects as well. Instead of being bored with a constant monetary tone, some of the podcast added music to the beginning of their show or kept it playing throughout. In some cases I liked this but in others it was distracting. If the music was not calming of too loud it was difficult to hear everything that was being mentioned. I do however think the concept of this is good. Some of the shows were only one episode of many,instead of just being a one time airing. I think this is great because it gives the option to learn more about their topics and also a person is able to email or call in with any questions they may have. If the show was only a one time deal, like a documentary of something, it may be educational, but the listener may also be left with unanswered questions. For some, like myself, they may not know where to go to find the answers after the show. Some of the podcast had more than one speaker, which was FANTASTIC because when you are not viewing a show, listening can tend to be boring and listening to the same monotone voice Can be even worse!
More than one of the podcast had a few commercials aired prior to their show starting. I a not sure if this was for their funding or if this was just a little added entertainment value. I found it really did not make a difference to me. The adds tended to be slightly scrambled and very loud so I actually could not even tell you what it was selling. So, from a listeners point of view, I feel that they are not beneficial to the show and probably not helping the advertisers either. One podcast I listened to had a very different sound to their broadcast.The speakers sounded similar to Darth Vader.It almost sounded as if the microphones may have been messed up, but after listening to more than one of their episodes, I believe this sound as intentional.I found this effect incredibly annoying and personally would NEVER use it. It was also very distracting.
After all the podcast I have heard tonight, I definitely think I will listen to more in the future. I still am not overly computer savoy but feel more comfortable with this application then I did prior to this assignment. I did not realize podcast were just a radio cast and thought initially I was going to be bored to tears when I found out I was not actually going to be viewing anything! I was pleasantly surprised at how much I did like it though. I am looking forwarding to viewing more podcast and learning to develop my own.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Video Clip of Students

This video clip was amazing! I can not believe all the things these kids are learning. The group projects between students in different parts of the world is mind blowing! We never had a class remotely similar tot his one. I think this is a fabulous way for students to learn and also teach themselves new curriculum. During this clip, there were certain terms the teacher used that I was not even sure what they meant. What I great approach to encouraging self thinkers and proactive students.
These kids in this clip also seemed to really be enjoying what they were learning. The interactions they were able to have with other nationalities is an experience of a life time as well. Because of this teacher and the wonderful technology her school has, her students will be well rounded, motivated and ready to learn new things. I would love to have had this opportunity when I was in high school. If for nothing more than just to learn more basic computer knowledge.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Maybe my daughter is not "bad"....

Often we are so quick to label a child;whether it is LD,ADD or ADHD, I think we feel better if we can justify to ourselves why we find it hard to teach some children. This speaker was right on several points he made during his speech and at the same time was humerus and able to keep my attention throughout the entire speech. No child is the same;therefore,not every child learns the same or excels in the same areas. So why is it that we put more emphasis on certain subjects over others?
When I was in Elementary School I attended Old Shell Road Performing Arts School. This magnet program included dance,art, drama and music several days a week into the "typical" curriculum. I enjoyed some classes more than others, but it gave me options to find how I learned best and what areas I could excel in.
One of my favorite quotes he made was "If you are not afraid to be wrong,then you will never be original." He followed this up by saying kids are not afraid of being wrong,maybe this is why they are so original and creative. He focused on how important it is for teachers and the education system to not make all children learn in the same way.He believed that creativity=literacy. This is a very interesting way to approach the subject of teaching and child development. For example, everyone will not be a doctor but some will try because they feel as this is the "accepted" path. In some cases maybe the child feels the interest they have will not lead them to success and so in turn they never pursue those goals.
One story he told regarding Gillian Lynn was interesting. In short, she was having trouble in school and the teachers thought she was "bad" and so called a conference with her parents. In the end, the issue was not her behavior, but her interest. They found she was a dancer and they enrolled her in dance classes. She went on to be a famous dancer. This story was relevant to me because I struggle often with my child and some of her actions/behaviors. It is hard to find the ways that she learns best and understands best,especially when it may not be the same ways I learn. This I believe will also be a struggle once I start teaching.Hopefully, future speakers like this one, my struggles with my daughter and my classes will help me learn to recognize each child's individual creativity in the my classroom.

No I Did NOT Know...

The you tube video titled "Did You Know?" was very informative. It is sobering to realize not only how much technology is improving but also how rapidly. Knowing that information I am learning now may be obsolete by the time I graduation in mind blowing. Also, it is disheartening to see how Americans compare to others around the world. We often have a way of feeling so very superior and yet the facts show otherwise.
It surprised me to see that in the time it took me to watch the video that more babies were born in India than in China; I was under the impression it was the reverse. Watching this clip made me aware of how crucial it is to learn and improve as much as I can everyday,because if I do not, I WILL be behind. In addition, I need to learn more if I want to ever be able to help my daughter when she gets in school! At this pace of growth, she may be teaching me!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Get to Know Me!

I am 25 years old and was born and raised in Mobile,Alabama. I went to Murphy High School and then to Auburn. While I was in Auburn, I got engaged and decided to move home. The initial plan was for me to work a year while my husband finished and then it would be my turn to finish school. As it turns out, life does not always follow the path we set. My husband,Adam, and I found out we were pregnant about 4 months after we were married and so going back to school did not happen quit as promptly as I had planned. Never the less, three years later I was finally able to re-enroll. This is my second year at South Alabama and I am really enjoying school much more than I did the first time around (this may have something to so with the fact that I actually attend my classes and do my homework!)
Reading has become a new passion of mine and now I could sit and read for hours. I also enjoy taking my daughter to the beach,taking pictures and laughing really hard - usually at stupid things I have done. I am not a night person, in fact I am having trouble keeping my eyes open now. So, as I listen to my daughter snore, I think the bed is calling my name!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Welcome to my blog for EDM 310! My name is Julie and I am an Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. I have been married for 4 years and we have a daughter who will be 3 in November. I am interested in teaching K-5. It is such a fabulous age! Children at this age are full of life and so eager to learn, they are like huge sponges -ready to take in anything and everything you have to offer! This is my first blog and I am looking forward to using it through the semester.
Peace Out.