Monday, November 9, 2009

Dr. Wesch

There are so many pros to being an older student in college. I can get out of bed and never even look in the mirror before I head to class, there is no pressure to be in a club or worry about going to a party. I feel as though we are surrounded by people who are always telling us the things I don't care about, I should. I feel as though , even at 26 I still have friends who are terribly concerned with what they look like and how others view them.Does it ever end? I am afraid it is never going to end. People will not stop being self absorbed until the media and television stop being so incredibly self absorbed. I worry about my future students and the esteem issues the I am sure they will face because of these factors.Teachers are going to have to really build up their students and reinforce the things in life that truly matter.

Blogs.. and why I love them!

There are several reasons I feel it is important for students to post on a blog.For example, I have had to post many writings on a blog for my mirocomputing class this semester. It has helped me learn a great deal about computers and also educated me on subjects dealing with teaching.
I can post all kinds of useful tools on my blog as well. I have even gone on to make new blogs since this class for my personal use. I would have never done this prior to taking this class.You can follow my blog at:julehays' I have set up a twitter account , one I thought I would never use, and I love it! My twitter name is ComplicatedOrda and my email is In addition, I have learned a great deal about igoogle and how to use several aspects of it. If you would like to learn more about this website just go to :