Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4.0 or 4. NO!

This youtube clip just proves that just because there is new technology out , that may be cool, does not mean that it is the best thing for society. So I can pull up my email while I am driving, but when was the last time I called my mom? So I can surf the web while in the tub ,but when was the last time I read a book? Now these questions do not really apply to me because I talk to my mom 500 times a day and read at least one new book a month, but I believe this is the case for many Americans today. While the new wave of stuff my be cool and connect you to certain things, it is disconnecting you from ,what I believe, are more important things.Even the advertisers recognize this because they are putting more money into web advertisement than other places.Watching this clip also made me very aware of the rate that our societies intelligence may be decreasing. If we are too consumed in watching TV or surfing the web then what kind of new, enriching material are we taking in?One of the most dishartening parts of this clips was about the decline of political talk on Twitter when Micheal Jackson died. As my grandmother always says" garbage in is garbage out!"


  1. haha your bio says "i like reading light-hearted books" hahahahahahahhaa made me laugh out loud in computer class

  2. its okay julie, i like light-hearted books too.lol me and julie had to sneek jank you we just couldnt resist! haha gimmie that damn vampire book next class period nigga!
