Monday, September 14, 2009

Mr, Fisch

I am completely amazed by Mr. Fisch! I totally agree with him. The thing that amazed me the most was when Mr. Fisch said, 80% of the parents that came to conferences, at least one of them said they were never good at math.I have actually never been a math person. Last semester I had to have my husband help me almost every nght with my math homework and I was constantly telling him how bad I was at it!He would tell me I was not, I just had to look at it in a new way. By the middle of the semester, I was doing the majority of my homework on my own and was so proud of myself. I had just spent so many years hearing my parents say they were not good at it and that I was not good at , I believed I could never be good at it.

I also agree with him in that, it's almost like people are proud of the fact that they are illiterate about some things. I learned so much reading this post. I definitely don't want to be an technologically illiterate teacher, which I often have said I would be. I want to be the best teacher I can possibly be! Truly, his post was extremely eye opening! I cannot wait to share it with my parents and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Julie! You are talking about what we use to call the self-fulfilling prophecy. If you tell your self something long enough you begin to believe it and eventually you make it happen. I like your new prophecy and so will your students. SS
