ACCESS, or the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide, is a distant learning program aimed at Alabama High schools. Their vision is: The State of Alabama will provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. It allow high school students to take part in AP and other courses that may not be offered to them in their current school. It is also a way for educators to share ideas and gain new experiences with coworkers and students.I am a huge fan of the AP curriculum because I took those classes when I was in classes. I found them to be very helpful in my college career as well.
I think that ACCESS is a great tool for students who go to schools that don't offer the classes that they need or want to take, because i know of several friends of mine who truly would have excelled in these programs but were unable to take the classes because they were not offered at their school. I feel that this gives opportunities to talented students who might otherwise never have had this chance.
The goal of ACCESS is to continue to meet objectives of the ACCESS plan, expanding the availability of ACCESS Distance Learning to all public high schools in the state.They provide access to advanced diploma courses,courses one might not have had,dual enrollment opportunities,access to remediation if needed,teachers have more tools to use at their disposal,and also allows access to sources through the Supercomputer.